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Education Leaders, You Are Only Minutes Away from Receiving Customized Strategies to Improve Your School’s Special Education Program!

Data • 6 min read • Jul 6, 2022 10:57:00 PM • Written by: Sarah Sandelius


Our new self-assessment provides a high-level overview of how you and/or your program stack up against ABC’s research-based core competencies. Complete the assessment, and you receive a customized PDF with results and some suggestions for improvement.

Head immediately to our Quality Special Education Self-Assessment Tool or read the blog below to learn more!

It’s time to go back to the essentials – remember why you entered education, reconnect with students, and reflect on how you can make this year the best yet. Despite continued staffing challenges, there are ways to work more efficiently and double down on the resources you have in the building.

How about if we told you you could take steps toward efficiency while also centering the most diverse learners? You can! Our latest tool will give you suggestions for improvement that help you build an inclusive culture and more equitable classroom practices.

Our Latest Tool

Now live on our website, the Special Education Quality Self-Assessment provides a quick pulse check for leaders and teachers to see how they stack up against the competencies for providing authentic inclusion and receive customized recommendations based on strengths and challenges. School leaders can conduct the assessment and reflect on the school practices or reflect on their individual practices as school leaders and teachers can take the assessment to reflect on their individual teaching practices. Following the short survey, you will receive a PDF with your results and some suggestions for how to get started on your improvement journey.  It’s all aligned to the most current research about what works for meeting the needs of diverse learners, it’s quick and easy, and it will put you ahead of the curve when it comes to planning for the fall. 


Needs assessment tool for educator
female student writting in the classroom her lesson
Needs assessment tool for educator
teacher helping students for inclusive classrooms
core competencies for education
diverse students in the classroom

Access the Assessment Today!

How to Use It

Here are a couple of recommendations on how schools can put this tool into action this fall:

  • Ask your leadership team to take the self-assessment to reflect on the school’s practices. Schedule a meeting for the team to share their results, lessons learned and craft manageable improvement goals based on your key findings. Make sure someone is responsible for tracking progress and following up on your improvement goals.
  • Take the self-assessment to reflect on your individual practices and create improvement goals for the year. Share your plan with your team. This type of transparent leadership will promote trust and encourage a growth and improvement mindset throughout the school.
  • Plan a back-to-school session for your teachers to take the self-assessment and reflect on their individual practices. Based on the assessment, ask them to create one or two professional development goals for the coming year to work on any areas of improvement. Follow up on progress to goals throughout the year and empower your teachers to own their professional development journey.

Summer moves pretty fast.  If you don’t stop and self-assess once in a while, you could miss it!

students walking around the school

Watch our on-demand Office Hours Session.

During this short video, you will learn more about our Framework, why we created the self-assessment tool, and how to use it to gain insight and recommendations for improving your special education program.

Watch the Video

ABC Can Conduct a Comprehensive Needs Assessment for Your School or District

Interested in refining your special education program but not sure where to start? We begin by conducting a comprehensive needs assessment aligned with our Framework for Special Education Quality. During the review, our expert team draws insight from staff interviews, survey data from teachers and families, student focus groups, work sample reviews, classroom observations, and more. We summarize findings in a report with individualized recommendations for your next steps, followed by a facilitated reflection and planning session.

Ready to Make an Impact For Your Most Diverse Learners?

Sarah Sandelius