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Pin It To Win It

boards • 3 min read • Apr 16, 2021 3:20:36 PM • Written by: Dan Craddock

Ever feel overwhelmed because you can’t figure out that perfect activity to engage your students after a long spring break?  Fret No Longer!!!

Here at The Ability Challenge, we’re pleased to announce our new Pinterest page officially. These boards offer teachers, administrators, policymakers, and other members of our community looking for inspiration a single location for ideas, resources, and articles about creating more inclusive education for young people. 

Current boards cover topics such as:

  • Back from Spring Break: templates, activity ideas, and articles for planning spring-related lessons that engage all learners;
  • IEP at a Glance: articles demystifying IEPs for the general education audience or parents wanting to learn more;
  • Teacher Relief Board: ideas for making it through one of the longest school years we’ve experienced;
  • What We’re Reading and Watching: a group of relevant articles and webinars on inclusion and equity for learners and
  • So much more. 

We will be consistently adding new boards and pins from vetted sources.  All pins are specifically curated to boost your success in a classroom setting and to offer ways to decompress when you leave work. Our goal is to provide our community with valuable resources to be leaders in their field.  

We want to hear from you! What resources would make your life easier?  There are a lot of resources out there, but it often feels like information overload.  Let us take the burden out of sifting through the noise…We’ll put a pin in it for you!

Follow us on Pinterest and sign up for our newsletter (if you haven’t already) to be the first to learn when we launch new offerings.

Ready to Make an Impact For Your Most Diverse Learners?

Dan Craddock